Thursday, April 15, 2010

MSNBC Uses Puppets to Explain Financial Crisis

Is this what it's come to? Why not just have Statler and Waldorf yelling from the balcony?

Waldorf: That was wonderful!

Statler: Bravo!

Waldorf: I loved it

Statler: It was great

Waldorf: Well it was pretty good

Statler: Well it wasn’t bad

Waldorf: Well there were parts of it that weren’t very good though

Statler: It could have been a lot better

Waldorf: I didn’t really like it

Statler: It was pretty terrible

Waldorf: It was bad

Statler: It was awful!

Waldorf: Terrible!

Statler: Terrible!

Waldorf: Hey, boo!

Statler: BOO!

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