Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Leaving the Right - Andrew Sullivan

Andrew Sullivan has a detailed view on his differences with the conservatives who he believes have co-opted the Republican party and steered it into the ditch, where it will remain for the foreseeable future.

Some highlights:

I cannot support a movement that holds torture as a core value.

I cannot support a movement that holds that purely religious doctrine should govern civil political decisions and that uses the sacredness of religious faith for the pursuit of worldly power.

I cannot support a movement that is deeply homophobic, cynically deploys fear of homosexuals to win votes, and gives off such a racist vibe that its share of the minority vote remains pitiful.

I cannot support a movement which has no real respect for the institutions of government and is prepared to use any tactic and any means to fight political warfare rather than conduct a political conversation.

I cannot support a movement that would back a vice-presidential candidate manifestly unqualified and duplicitous because of identity politics and electoral cynicism.

I cannot support a movement that regards gay people as threats to their own families.

I cannot support a movement that does not accept evolution as a fact.

Sort of hard to argue with that.

Image via Town Called Dobson

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