Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Who's Out of Touch - Arizona or Jon Kyl?

Republican Senator Jon Kyl has been pretty vocal with his belief that the federal stimulus program has been a waste, is not working, and should be canceled. Here's some video so I don't get accused of making that up.

Problem is, when members of the Obama administration asked the Arizona governor if she wanted to stop accepting the stimulus funds, Gov. Jan Brewer decided that it's in the best interest of Arizona to keep the stimulus money flowing in.

Never one to miss an opportunity to act dazed and confused, Arizona's other misguided son, Senator John McCain, backed Kyl's comments and exhorted the administration to "retract its threat against the citizens of Arizona."

That's a real head-scratcher there, John.

Kyl says we should cancel the funding, so the Obama administration asks the Governor if she would like to stop getting funds - funds that the Obama administration believes are necessary and beneficial. When Gov. Brewer decides to keep the money - the money that the Obama administration wants the state to have in the first place - McCain accuses the administration of threatening Arizona, even though it is McCain who agrees with Kyl that the funding should cease.

Obama doesn't want it to end. He's the one who pushed hard for it originally. It's Frick and Frack the Conservative Wonders who want to take away the funds, because they allegedly don't work - no matter what the governor of their state says.

Is it any wonder that the Republican party is in such deep trouble? They can't even keep things straight between two U.S. Senators and a governor. How are they supposed to do the complex stuff?

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