Monday, July 20, 2009

Evidence Shows Health Care Reform Not In Trouble

It seems like most of the major media outlets are reporting that the Obama administration's push for health care reform is struggling mightily, even though the evidence points to the contrary:

  • A plan was approved and exited a House committee
  • A plan was approved and exited a Senate committee 
  • The American Medical Association endorsed the plan that came out of the US House
  • Various nursing associations, unions, and other organizations endorsed the plan
  •  Obama reiterated that he would veto any plan that grew the deficit
  • Obama said that any plan coming across his desk must contain a public option
It sounds remarkably like the primary goals articulated by candidate Obama, and later by President Obama, are coming to fruition. Is there pushback and objection? Of course - the same dynamic as any other major piece of legislation.

There are powerful interests at work pushing the meme that reform is on the rocks and all hope is lost. Don't believe it. If anything, every such claim looks more silly when contrasted with the evidence.

Reform has been stymied since 1993, and every one of the special interests has wasted more than 15 years without executing anything to make things better. In fact, they've made things worse.

It's coming, ladies and gentlemen. As President Obama said recently, don't bet against them on this.

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