Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ralph Lauren Trims The Fat

It's possible that Ralph Lauren doesn't understand the difference between slim and fat.

After being caught digitally-enhancing the image of a female model to make her appear impossibly narrow, denying the charge, then finally admitting that yes, they intentionally made her pelvis less wide than her head, Ralph Lauren has fired the model involved for being fat.

I suppose in the world of high fashion any body no longer capable of being starved, enhanced surgically, or otherwise physically manipulated becomes worthless once the Photoshop option is taken off of the table.

The waif, Flippa Hamilton, stands 5'10" tall and tips the scales at 120 pounds. I've seen women wearing Lauren, and unless I'm mistaken, the majority of them were over a size 2.

So let's give Ralph Lauren a little lesson on the difference between slim and fat.

Flippa, at 120 pounds and 5'10" - slim.

Lauren's humanity and common sense - slim.

Chance anyone in my family will be buying any Lauren merchandise in the foreseeable future - FAT.

Hang in there, Flippa. I'm sure all of this notoriety will bring tons of modeling gigs your way. And Donald Trump.

Via Crazy Days and Nights

Updated 10/15/09 7:58 PM - BoingBoing has another example of Ralph Lauren's fixation with distorted body images here.

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