Saturday, August 16, 2008

All We Are is Poop in the Wind....

An inflatable dog poop sculpture caused massive damage as it blew along the Swiss countryside, effectively demonstrating that the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man could be destructive in both his natural and post-digestive state.

The art-turd broke loose from its mooring and sailed merrily through the neighborhood, bringing down a power line before finally crapping out.
Not surprisingly, the sculpture was the work of an American artist. Once again we create some shit that results in carnage overseas.

David Broder from the Washington Post was overheard speculating that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's position on the National Endowment for the Arts somehow contributed to this incident. David claimed that while not an art critic, he knows poo when he sees it.

Paul Begala once said, "Broder, of course, is a gasbag."

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