Tuesday, October 28, 2008

GOP Civil War

As often happens at this point in a losing campaign, factions within the trailing party are beginning to eat their own as they look for a new approach to winning. From the LA Times:

The social conservatives and moderates who together boosted the Republican Party to dominance have begun a tense battle over the future of the GOP, with social conservatives already moving to seize control of the party's machinery and some vowing to limit John McCain's influence, even if he wins the presidency.

In skirmishes around the country in recent months, evangelicals and others who believe Republicans have been too timid in fighting abortion, gay marriage and illegal immigration have won election to the party's national committee, in preparation for a fight over the direction and leadership of the party.

My view is that the majority of voters in this country tend to occupy the middle ground, while the extremes of both parties make a lot of noise. The 2006 election was a warning shot to extremists on both sides that they don't represent the salient interests of the population as a whole, and that we're looking for a more centrist approach to governing that's more inclusive of the different viewpoints that exist.

A warning for the GOP - if you proceed down the path noted above, you'll find yourselves out of power for a generation. Soak in the messages that result from the 2008 election results that will appear one week from today. And know that there's a progressive train that's building up speed, and it will run you over without so much as a second thought.

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