Monday, November 9, 2009

Congressional Millionaires - A Love Story

There's a ferocious battle raging in the House and Senate as members deal with health care reform and cap & trade legislation. Many claim that their positions have less to do with providing benefits for all Americans than it does keeping government out of their business and protecting the financial bottom line of the U.S. government.

I believe them.

A recent report by the Center for Responsible Politics detailed at Politico provides some fodder to support that view - there are currently 237 millionaires serving in Congress.

That's 44% of the House and Senate, folks.

At least seven member of Congress have net worths greater than $100 million.

Median income estimates for the Senate ($1.79 million) are greater than for the House of Representatives ($622,000), but these estimates are based on reported self-worth and exclude the value of personal residences. It's just a guess, but chances are some of these domiciles are worth millions more.

As unemployment speeds past the 10% mark, millions lose their health insurance and their homes, and retirement savings evaporate with a poof, do you think we can count on these robber-barons to take care of themselves and the other 1% of millionaires in this country, or the 99% that makes up the rest of us?

The proof is in the legislation they pass.

Image by boxchain's photostream via flickr

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