Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nervous Nellies Vote Republican

Studies have shown that people who react most negatively to events such as loud noises and viewing gruesome pictures tend to vote for right-wing policies with more frequency than do calmer people who have a more laid back view on life.

I'm not sure this is a surprising bit of news, but it's nice to see some scientific data to back it up - not that right-wingers rely on science in their arguments (global warming, intelligent design, dinosaurs and people sharing the earth).

It makes a lot of sense - which is the party of fear? The GOP is always warning of some imminent disaster, be it terrorism, nuclear proliferation, gay marriage, or the scourge that is the liberal media. Their natural reaction to problems large and small is the use of force. They don't want to talk or negotiate with America's enemies, they want to ostracize them or bomb them.

That approach doesn't seem to be working very well. Perhaps it's time to elect some folks who don't piss their knickers every time a car backfires.

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