Sunday, September 21, 2008

Is Truth Making a Comeback?

Frank Rich writes in the Sunday NY Times about the reality behind McCain's approach to all things economic, and using history as a guideline to future behavior, wonders if people are starting to desire the truth, while suggesting that McCain's campaign is doing everything possible to keep this a discussion on leadership instead of ideas.

From his days of involvement in the Keating 5 scandal, to his three decades of support for deregulation, McCain comes down on the wrong side of solutioning our current economic ills. But why aren't we hearing more about this history? Why isn't McCain being grilled over his plan instead of having his soundbites played over and over?

Rich points out, accurately, that McCain is calling for displays of strength (I'll fix this crisis - I've taken on bigger guys than these - I'll fire the chief of the SEC (or FEC is McCain is having a senior moment), while Obama is surrounding himself with thoughtful former economic leaders and presenting lists of specific ideas and approaches to provide long term improvement in the American economy.

McCain has no history of successfully implementing the types of approaches he now supports. I wouldn't hire someone based on what he told me he would do for my company, especially if he couldn't show me where he had done it for other companies.

Would you?

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